Understanding Male Sex Addiction And How Virtual Counseling Can Help

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If you are a male who struggles with sex addiction, you already know how it can interfere with other areas of your life. Due to the personal nature of sex addiction, it is also difficult for many men to seek help for their addiction. Virtual sex addiction counseling can make it easier for you to get the help you need while in the privacy of your own home.  Defining sex addiction…

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What Are The Benefits Of Creative Trauma Therapy For Teens?

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While trauma treatment programs can benefit teens, this age group doesn’t always initially respond well to regular therapy. In some cases, teens make more therapeutic progress if programs include other types of therapy. For example, creative therapies are often very effective for young people, especially if they have had significant problems in the past. These therapies use creative tools, such as art, music, and writing, as part of the treatment process.…

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How To Get The Most Out Of A Telehealth Therapy Session

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Telehealth therapy is increasingly popular, but that doesn’t mean everybody is comfortable with it just yet. Some people are still learning how to get the most out of these therapy sessions. If you’re not sure what to do or say during your telehealth therapy session, here are some tips to help you make the most out of it. Create a Peaceful Environment You’ll need to have a quiet and comfortable space for your session.…

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