Things That You Won't Need to Say After Going to Therapy

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One of the best things about regularly seeing a psychologist is how the sessions will change your day-to-day interactions with those around you. Over time, you'll find that situations you found yourself in are no longer a part of your life, which will give you a confident feeling that your sessions are propelling you forward. You'll also find that the phrases you used to commonly say during discussions and arguments are no longer part of your vocabulary, simply because you've learned how to navigate through these situations and resolve them with ease. Here are some statements that you won't be saying after going through therapy.

"Let's Just Forget About It" 

Therapy helps you to feel comfortable to get into a potentially uncomfortable topic and resolve it, rather than try to ignore it. Ignored problems will often reappear, causing you turmoil time and time again, because they haven't been adequately dealt with. Through therapy, you'll develop the coping skills to talk calmly and empathetically with those with whom you may be disagreeing so that you can successfully put the issue behind you once and for all. Soon, you'll find that saying you want to forget a problem is no longer a solution you turn to.

"I Don't Know What I Feel"

During a conflict, one person may ask another what he or she is feeling. When you're in the heat of an emotion, it may be difficult to truly know what you're feeling — or, you might be uncomfortable with voicing the emotion you're feeling, such as anger. As such, you may say that you don't know what you feel if you're asked. Therapy helps you work through these issues. You and your therapist will talk at length about how to determine what you're feeling in a given instance, as well as how to voice that feeling in a calm and constructive manner.

"You Made Me Feel …"

Going through therapy will help you to learn that others can't make you feel things. While other people may act in a mean manner to you, it's your choice to feel hurt — many therapists will tell you that people cannot hurt you. This information helps you take ownership over your feelings, and while you still may find yourself in conflicts with family and friends, you won't worsen the issue by accusing others of making you feel in a certain manner. You'll then be able to work on resolving the issue quicker because you haven't compounded it.

If you want to learn more about replacing the above phrases with ways to effectively work through your emotions and conflict, talk to a psychologist like those at Northern Virginia Psychiatric Group PC.
