3 Signs Of Bipolar Disorder In Children
Everyone experiences changes in their mood and behavior at times. However, when these changes become severe or dangerous, they could be a sign of a more serious issue affecting your mental health. While most common in older teenagers and young adults, bipolar disorder can also affect children.
While similar to disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, this condition is more episodic. Still, the mood and behavioral changes of this condition can wreak havoc on your family's life. With this guide, you will learn a few common signs of bipolar disorder so you can get your child necessary treatment.
Intense Outbursts
Your child will most likely have an emotional outburst at one point in time. Unfortunately, if these outbursts are becoming more intense, dangerous, or frequent, they may be suffering from bipolar disorder.
Pay close attention to your child's outburst. If they are being verbally or physically aggressive to others during these outbursts, it may be time to consult a professional for help. Also, if your child's emotional outburst are occurring multiple times each week, they most likely require treatment for bipolar disorder or another condition that is affecting their mental health.
Manic Moments
Bipolar disorder can cause your child to have manic moments, but you may not be familiar with this term. During a period of mania, a bipolar child may experience extreme bouts of happiness, high levels of energy, and increases in their self-esteem. Although you may think these are beneficial traits, the emotions only last for a few moments.
Unfortunately, many manic moments can lead to behavior issues. During a manic moment, your child may believe they have superhero powers, resulting in dangerous behavior that can lead to serious injury.
Extreme Sadness
A child who is bipolar will also experience depressive episodes. If your child has bipolar disorder, they may exhibit signs of depression as well.
Extreme sadness, low energy, desire to sleep all the time, a decrease in appetite, and a withdrawal from friends and activities may all be symptoms of the depressive part of bipolar disorder.
You may notice these signs and visit your child's doctor and a child psychologist to determine if they have depression, but paying attention to other issues in their behavior will be key for diagnosing bipolar disorder.
Treating a child with bipolar disorder is possible, but diagnosis is imperative. With this guide and your doctor's help, you will understand some warning signs of this condition, allowing you to seek treatment for your child.