The 411 On Bipolar Disorder

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Your emotional wellness affects more than your moods. In some instances, it can also affect your physical health and quality of life. Bipolar disorder is one condition that can wreak havoc on your physical and emotional well-being while causing stress to others around you, such as family members and friends. This guide will help you understand bipolar disorder so you can determine if this condition is affecting you. The 411…

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3 Ways To Live A More Mindful Life

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It is so easy to go through life on autopilot, just going through the motions instead of being mindful and intentional. This is a problem because it means you may be out of touch with a sense of purpose, or making life choices that don’t align with your goals or values. Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to get back to a more conscious and mindful life: Hire a Conscious Living Coach…

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Three Ways That Anger Can Negatively Affect A Relationship

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If you’re an angry person, you may find that the presence of this emotion is affecting your relationship — and not for the better. The good news is that if you’re aware enough to identify that your anger is an issue, you should be aware that counseling can help. While you can certainly consider individual therapy to deal with your anger issues, you might also wish to visit a marriage counselor with your spouse or significant other to work through your anger issues, while also giving him or her the chance to discuss how your anger makes him or her feel.…

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Tips For Using The Services Of A Spiritual Advisor

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It is a reality that you may find yourself feeling lost in terms of your spirituality. This can lead to a sense of depression, confusion and difficulty with having a sense of purpose. For those that are facing these issues, there are spiritual advisors that may be able to help give a sense of grounding and clarity. To maximize the results you get from these services, you should be mindful of a few key points when you are arranging for these sessions to occur.…

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